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About Us

I don't tell my story to brag because I have nothing to brag about.
I'm no different or special than anyone else.

I tell my story so that  anyone at their most hopeless point can

pull themselves up and climb to the top of the mountain, my story

giving them the faith and hope that it's possible.

Pat Jackson

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by Niko

I've known Pat for a number of years and am her fellow Milab.
To my knowledge, she's never told her entire story to anyone besides myself. It's the stuff of which blockbuster movies are made.


Pat was in law enforcement, working Illuminati child abduction, homicide, trafficking and SRA cases when she became personally targeted by the cabal in 2000.


Besides being a TI, she was abducted into the deep black

military top secret programs, first as a Milab and later in Project Seagate and the SSP. She spent 10 years in the DUMBS, being forced to serve as a pilot asset in both the Milab program and the SSP while the deep black military sought to weaponize her advanced psychic abilities.
It was in the DUMBS that she had her first encounters with malevolent ET races - Zeta Reticulans, Draconian Reptilians, Rigelians, Imdugutk (Tall Whites) and the MIB.


During those 10 years she was financially bankrupted, physically tortured, gaslighted, injected with deadly biowarfare agents, under 24/7 law enforcement and government surveillance, subjected to V2K and attempted "Voice of God" mind control programming, gangstalked, subjected to harassment and noise harassment from black helicopters and military jets, repeatedly hit with DEW attacks from NATO Deathrays, raped and gangraped, Rep rape and impregnated (fetus stolen), was subjected to an Alien Love Bite, had her house gassed, her mail tampered with, her phones tapped and her 6 pets murdered. In 2008, the cabal murdered her husband and 7 attempts on her own life would follow. Yet Pat refused to let the cabal "break her". She became a whistleblower in March, 2003 on Canada's #1 radio show at the time - the Richard Syrett Show. Ultimately, she was brutally railroaded then blacklisted from law enforcement when she exposed law enforcement's participation in child abductions and trafficking.

It was during a December, 2010 showdown to the death with a Draco Reptilian that she escaped both the alien and military abductions and the deep black projects.

It was at that point that the benevolent ET's entered her life, Pat laughing and saying "My house became ET Grand Central Station. They turned my life upside down."

She had fully conscious, physical contact with more than a dozen benevolent ET races. This captured the attention of individuals in the fields of alien abduction, Milab abductions, UFOlogy, alphabet soup agencies and ex military intelligence agents. They would spend the next 2 years dissecting Pat's case, unanimously agreeing Pat was being truthful about her ET contact and experiences.
She would ultimately discover the CIA had attached an agent to her for 7 years - who would later admit to her, "The CIA knows you're an Angelic from off planet. The CIA is shitscared of you."
The CIA agent's revelation would be confirmed by Pat's deep black military abductors during an interrogation at gunpoint within Area 51.


Pat retained very detailed memories of her experiences, needing no aids like hypnotic regression to remember them - including a very detailed memory of her coming to earth to incarnate here.


Eventually, the Angelics themselves would confirm Pat was an off planet volunteer and worked with them within the Christ Command.

Yet in spite of it all, Pat retained her sense of humor and takes a very common sense approach to ET contact, seeing it as only one facet of her life while keeping what she calls "the whole off planet thing" in its proper perspective.


Pat is now retired and spends her free time remodeling her new lake home.
She still maintains daily contact with her ET's, whom she calls "my guys".

Based on a sketch by Pat Jackson  © Mala Rama
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Some of Pat's ET contacts do help us out on a consultant basis so we thought it only fair to give credit where credit is due. We do consider them part of our team.

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