Featured Veteran Experiencers
There are a trusted group of fellow veteran experiencers that I/we follow because we know they are legitimate experiencers that impart truthful information and collectively have decades of research under their belts as well.
Many are Milabs, SSP and have been inside the top secret deep black military projects so have factual inside information - not parroted info. They are public speakers, authors, podcasters and have done frequent interviews and in some cases, have made TV appearances.
Many of us have had attempts made on our lives as whistleblowers so some wish to conceal their real identities for that reason. I'm also going to include deceased members of the veteran community that imparted truthful information during their lives. Some of them paid with their lives for getting that information out and that info is still relevant today.
James Bartley
James has been a friend for years and I consider him to be one of my own mentors. There is no one more knowledgeable about the Milab abductions & Draconian Reptilians than James.
He's a Milab himself, podcaster, whistleblower, public speaker, expert on military history and he's done a number of interviews and TV shows.
Dan Armstrong
My very dear friend, Dan is a Milab, SSP, healer and super knowledgeable about ancient symbology and etymology.
He too has done numerous podcasts.
Dan has lived all over the world so brings great perspectives to the table about other cultures.
Tom Montalk
​I think Tom is one of the most intelligent influencers on the scene, especially when it comes to the Demiurge and Matrix.
He's an experiencer, author and has done numerous interviews and videos.
Daniel Liszt
Daniel is really knowledgeable about anything cabal related because he's a deep dive researcher who hands down, has the best podcast on the Internet, bar none.
John Warner IV
I absolutely love John Warner. Not only is he very witty, he's the son of the late Senator John Warner and Mellon banking heiress, Catherine Mellon. He grew up among all the Deep Staters so knows anybody who is anybody in the DS.
John's a researcher, author and whistleblower on the Deep State.
Eve Lorgen
Eve is a dedicated counseling and hypnotherapy professional, author and anomalous trauma researcher. She began her pioneering work with alien abductees, “milabs” and mind control victims while earning her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology in 1992.
She's an expert on the Alien Love Bite.
Alex Collier
Alex is an Andromedan contactee and public speaker. I'm told he was consulted on my own case re: my knowledge about the Andromes and Andromedan galaxy.
Alex is the real deal! The info from his Androme contacts is 100% accurate.
Robert Hulse
Another very dear friend of mine, Rob is a lifelong contactee/experiencer and is an expert on crop circles.
He has appeaared on several UK TV shows and has done numerous interviews and podcasts. He brings a very common sense approach to the table.
Eve Howard
Eve is an enrolled member of the White Earth band of Ojibwe. She is a Milab, SSP, healer and host of Prime Declassified Podcast on Rumble.
Bonnie Meyer
Bonnie lives just 2 hours south of me. She is a contactee and also works with the Angelics. She has done podcasts and is the published author of 3 books.
Bonnie hasn't done much recent work due to being in ill health.
Carissa Conti
Carissa and I discovered each other when we had a similar V2K transmission re: a 'spider bite'. She's an experiencer and author of the book, Chasing Phantoms.
Carissa is the partner of Tom Montalk.
Cathy O'Brien
I first began communicating with Carthy just as her book, Trans Formation of America came out.
Cathy the was CIA programmed sex slave to the Clintons. I thought I was hardened from working the Illuminati cases I did, but Cathy detailing her experiences to me at the hands of the D.C. swampmasters sent the word "depravity" soaring to new heights.
She's one courageous lady!
Bob Lazar
Bob's discreditors can flap their jaws all they want, Bob is legitimate and did work on back engineering alien craft at Area 51.
Rainetta Jones
I don't of anyone who can put the pieces of a mystery puzzle together better than Rainetta can.
She's an expert on the Spider and her army and has done numerous podcasts.
Sherry Wilde
I met Sherry many years ago through her niece, who is also a contactee.
Sherry is a lifelong experiencer and published author.
Recently she's come under heavy attack (as many of us have) involving poisons and EMF attacks, her body is heavily damaged and they've isolated her.
Right now she's just trying to take one step at a time, while attempting to recover.
Like myself, Fringe is a Milab and SSP pilot.
Although new to the game, she knows her stuff - especially about ET craft and piloting them.
Jim Sparks
Although I don't know Jim personally, we were involved in a mass Grey abduction together. ​As an abductee with 95 percent conscious recall of his experiences.
Jim was a MIlab, public speaker and published author. However, he seems to have disappeared from the public eye.
Olivia James
Olivia was born into the programs in a family of drug traffickers where she was trauma trained with beta tracker alter in programs like MKULTRA where her mind was split in order to create compartments used for missions. In Project Traveler, Dr Green selected her to host entities which would possess her as a personal Dameon for the elite. On Earth, she participated in corporate espionage; in space she served in the Mars Defense Force where she did a 20-year career return program.
Emily Moyer
Emily is a Milab and has done interviews with James Bartley. She knows her stuff where Milabs are concerned.
She was doing broadcasts on Off Planet Radio but when I just searched the site, she has disappeared from it and I haven't seen any recent material from her.
However, you can still view some of her videos here
Mel K
Mel is one of the few podcasters I listen to anymore because she's brilliant and on top of things.
With a broad international following, Mel K’s fearless approach to challenging mainstream narratives has resonated with millions, empowering listeners to question, learn, and take action.
Gene Decode
Gene is a military Navy officer veteran who is involved in the process of cleaning out the DUMBS. He's up on Exopolitics.
I've followed him for a few years now as he's always come out with relevant, accurate information.
Ted Gunderson
I worked under the radar with the late FBI Special Agent in Charge, Ted on the child trafficking cases.
So trust me, he's as legitimate as they came and his work was groundbreaking.
Robert Ressler
I still miss my late friend, Bob to this day.
He tried to help me when I first became a TI, after meeting him in Rhinelander. He also taught me a hell of a lot about criminal profiling. Name any high profile serial killer and Bob met with and profiled them. He was on TV frequently, was a public speaker and wrote several books on the psychopathic mind.
Bill Cooper
In 1991, Milton William Cooper published a book titled Behold, A Pale Horse. In this text, Cooper details his time as a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team for the commander in chief of the US Navy’s Pacific Fleet. As a deeply Christian man, Cooper felt that it was his duty to inform the public of what he knew despite multiple attempts by shadowy agents to take his life. (It should be noted that Cooper was ultimately killed in a shoot-out with police in 2001.)
Phil Schneider
The late Phil Schneider was a government explosives engineer who worked on constructing the DUMBS and got into a firefight with the aliens in the Dulce DUMB that left 60 humans dead and countless subterranean aliens fighting for their life.
He was a public speaker until the govt. 'suicided' him for speaking out on the alien presence.
John Lear
was an American aviator and UFO 'conspiracy theorist'. A son of Learjet magnate Bill Lear, Lear set multiple records, later flying cargo planes for the CIA during the Vietnam era. In the 1980s, he began speaking of alien collusion with secret governmental forces, and in the second half of the decade, Lear was "probably the most influential source" of UFO research.
Colonel Phillip Corso
The late Colonel Phillip Corso was at the meeting with Eisenhower that took place with ET's at Muroc Air Field prior to the signing of the Grenada Treaty.
After joining the Army in 1942, Corso served in Army Intelligence in Europe, becoming chief of the US Counter Intelligence Corps in Rome.
Corso claims he stewarded extraterrestrial artifacts recovered from a crash near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.
Corso says a covert government group was assembled under the leadership of Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, the first director of Central Intelligence (see Majestic 12). Among its tasks was to collect all information on off-planet technology. The US administration simultaneously discounted the existence of flying saucers in the eyes of the public, Corso said.
Barbara Bartholic
Barb was a pioneer UFO investigator who spent 7 years working with Jacques Valee and was a consultant on the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. She was one of James Bartley's mentors and authored the book Barbara: The Story Of A UFO Investigator.
Dr. Karla (Kandy) Turner
Dr. Karla Turner died of cancer on January 10, 1996, after being threatened for her work. She was just 48. Since then, several other people involved in UFO investigation have also experienced threats followed by highly unusual cancers. Several of her cases studies are now dead.
Karla was widely respected in the UFO community for her research on alien abduction. A scholar and professional educator, she earned a Ph.D. in Old English studies and taught at the university level in Texas for more than ten years. But in 1988, she and her husband and son endured a shocking series of experiences and recollections that forced them to recognize that they were all abductees.
She was another of James Bartley's mentors.
Dolores Cannon
The late psychotherapist, Dolores Cannon shouldn't need any introduction. Dolores discovered the existence of the 3 Waves of Volunteers and brought their messaages and experiences out into the public forum.
While she didn't get everything precisely right, she came darned close!
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