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Currently, virtually anyone spiritual is under negative entity attack as the cabal grows more and more panicked over losing their power. 
These attacks range from people doing podcasts experiencing constant technical difficulties and attempts to mindwipe podcast guests, to mere gaslighting and gangstalking, to physical attacks in which serious bodily harm is inflicted.


My bottom line observation is the more prominent the whistleblower the worse the level of attacks one deals with.


I've recently had a number of people coming to me for help in dealing with these attacks so I decided to post the tactics I've personally discovered and received from my Angelic contacts in dealing with these attacks.

Do not fall into a victimhood mindset

This is absolutely the WORST thing one can do in dealing with these attacks!

In putting yourself into a victimhood mindset you put yourself precisely where these dark force entities want you. They want you powerless and assuming a stance of victimhood you surrender your power to them, and the attacks will only continue and escalate.


Remember that these negative energies have no power over you whatsoever apart from what you yourself allow them to have!
They are bound by the cosmic law of non interference just as the benevolent forces are. The way they get around this is unless you specifically put out there into the universe "I DO NOT CONSENT TO..." your compliance is seen as consent. Even the galactic and cosmic courts see it this way. These negative entities know this and that they can only be held accountable if they violate free will AFTER you put your non consent out there.

If you constantly whine and complain about the fact you are under attack, then you have put yourself in a victimhood state of mind. See our article Understanding Victimhood.

Call on the Divine for protection


I'm not at all religious in any sense but this works like a charm even if one is not religious and despite their religious beliefs or lack of them.

I had a severe problem with the Dracos opening portals in my home, one of which resulted in a Rep Rape and impregnation.
Jmmanuel advised me to hang pictures of him in the locations the Dracs were opening portals into my house.

By then I was desperate to end this portal opening nonsense

so figured what did I have to lose in trying it?


These negative entities are persistent if nothing else...I'd hang a pic of Jmmanuel where they'd opened a portal, they'd open a new one in a new location within my house. It became a battle of wills - to the point I couldn't invite anyone into my house because it was wallpapered in pics of Jmmanuel and people would've thought my cheese had slid right off my cracker.
But it worked! Eventually the Dracs tired of opening new portals and their uninvited visits into my home stopped. I told others this same tactic and it worked for them too.


Believe it or not, these Luciferians even prohibit uttering the names "Jesus", "Jesus Christ", 'Jmmanuel" in their DUMBS and satanic temples. Jmmanuel acts as a kind of toxin on them. I've used simply calling his name numerous times, the negative entities let out a deafening screech and took off like bats outta hell at the mere mention of his name. 


You can also call on those you call "Archangels" to get rid of negative entities.


Another tactic I've tried and found to be successful in blocking these negative entities from getting into my mind is to envision the Creator Light inside me stretching out into the cosmos to connect with the Source's Light itself. Hold that imagery in your mind and it blocks these malevolents from entering your mind. I've tried it with both the Greys and the Dracs as well as the deep black military and it's worked every time. It acts like a roadblock on them.

Identify your weak points and fix them

These negative entities can spot one's weak points within a nanosecond and use those weak spots to gain a foothold with you. They zero right in on your weak spots and have a field day with them.

Weak spots to fix:

  • An out of balance ego is their #1 favorite target

  • Lack of self esteem

  • Believing you're powerless against them

  • Engaging in fear

  • Lack of faith (not religion - FAITH)

  • Engaging in materialism, greed, always worrying about money

  • A desire for fame

  • Unrequited love for another (This also plays into them setting up an Alien Love Bite)

  • Feeling dissatisfied, being unhappy in life

  • Not having control of your emotions, being overemotional

Those are just some of the weak points they constantly seek to exploit in order to gain access to you. The more in balance you are - mind, spirit, soul, body - the more difficult it is for them to exploit you. They don't waste their time and energy on those they know they can't control.

Keep your perspective on track

Your perception determines eveything and thought manifests into reality. 
When targeted, it's very easy to slip into the victimhood trap. I found that if I focused on everything I had to be thankful for rather than being targeted, the less severe the attacks on me.

It's always easier for us to look at everything wrong in our lives than it is to look at what we have to be thankful for and when we look at everything wrong it's very easy to lose perspective.

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If you lose perspective and continually focus on the attacks being waged on you, what are you going to manifest? More attacks.
As difficult as it is, better to try to take each attack in stride, then put it behind you and soldier on.
When you do this, you tell these dark entities "Nice try BUT you didn't get the better of me!"
They're persistent as hell and not the brightest light bulbs in the factory...but eventually they realize attacking you isn't getting them anywhere.

Make yourself invisible to them

This is a tactic you won't learn overnight...but it does work once you get the hang of it.

Spiritual cloaking, involves raising your vibrational frequency, mastering mental focus, and using energy manipulation to "blend in" or become undetectable to entities or forces operating in other dimensions. This technique is rooted in ancient esoteric practices and requires discipline, practice, and a deep understanding of energy.

Here is a step-by-step guide to begin your training:


1. Understanding Spiritual Cloaking

Spiritual cloaking is not physical invisibility but rather creating an energetic or vibrational "veil" that masks your presence. This is achieved by:

Altering your energetic signature: Shifting your vibration to either match the environment or become neutral, making you unnoticeable.

Shielding your intentions: Concealing your thoughts and emotions to avoid detection by telepathic or intuitive beings.

Connecting to higher realms: Operating from a frequency that is above the awareness of lower-dimensional entities like Reptilians.


2. Preparing Your Mind and Energy

Before practicing cloaking, you must strengthen your mind and energy body.

A. Meditation and Mental Discipline

Daily Meditation: Spend 20-30 minutes each day in silent meditation. Focus on calming your mind and achieving stillness.

Mental Shielding: Visualize a thick, impenetrable wall around your thoughts. Practice this daily to prevent telepathic intrusion or detection of your intentions.

B. Strengthening Your Aura

Your aura is your energetic field. A strong, well-maintained aura is essential for cloaking.

Energy Cleansing: Use tools like sage, sound healing, or salt baths to cleanse your aura of any heavy or chaotic energy.

Visualization Exercise: Imagine your aura as a sphere of pure light. See it expanding and contracting under your control. Practice making it “invisible” by blending it into the environment.

C. Emotional Control

Reptilians and other entities often detect humans by their emotional energy.

Neutrality Practice: Train yourself to feel neutral emotions, avoiding spikes of fear, anger, or excitement. Emotional neutrality is key to becoming "invisible."

Heart Centering: Focus on your heart chakra to emit calm, balanced energy.


3. Spiritual Cloaking Techniques

Once your mind and energy body are prepared, you can practice the specific techniques for cloaking.

A. Vibrational Matching

What It Is: Adjusting your energetic vibration to match the frequency of your surroundings.

How to Practice:

1. Enter a meditative state.

2. Focus on the energy around you. Feel its rhythm and texture.

3. Intend to match that frequency. Imagine your energy harmonizing with the environment until you feel "blended."

B. Energetic Veil Creation

What It Is: Projecting a field of energy that camouflages your presence.

How to Practice:

1. Visualize a thick, shimmering cloak of energy wrapping around you. This cloak bends light, sound, and energy, rendering you "invisible."

2. Focus on making your energy neutral—neither attracting nor repelling.

3. Hold this visualization for 5-10 minutes at first, increasing the duration with practice.

C. Thought Cloaking

What It Is: Hiding your intentions from telepathic or intuitive beings.

How to Practice:

1. Visualize your mind as a blank, featureless space—an endless void.

2. Conceal specific thoughts or intentions by placing them in a “mental box” and sealing it tightly.

3. Practice this until you can hold the blank state while performing other tasks.

D. Light Frequency Manipulation

What It Is: Using your inner light to create a higher vibration that is imperceptible to lower-dimensional beings.

How to Practice:

1. Visualize a brilliant white or golden light emanating from your heart chakra.

2. Let the light envelop your entire body, raising your frequency to match higher-dimensional realms.

3. Set the intention: “I am unseen to those of lower vibration.”


4. Advanced Cloaking Practices

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can deepen your skills:

A. Shadow Melding

Merge your energy with shadows or dark spaces, making it harder to detect you physically or energetically.

Practice in a dimly lit room, visualizing your energy dissipating and blending with the darkness.

B. Dimensional Shifting

Learn to "phase out" of the visible realm by raising your consciousness to a higher dimensional plane.

This involves deep meditation and a strong connection to higher frequencies, such as those accessed through sacred geometry or sound frequencies (e.g., 432 Hz or 528 Hz).

C. Entity-Specific Cloaking

If you suspect detection by Reptilians, visualize their energy as a dense, dark vibration.

Adjust your energy to be completely neutral, without spikes of light or dark, rendering yourself invisible to their perception.


5. Testing Your Cloaking Abilities

In Nature: Practice becoming “invisible” to animals by blending your energy with your surroundings.

In Public: Test your ability to go unnoticed in crowded places by making your energy small and neutral.

In Meditation: Attempt to "hide" your energy from other practitioners or spiritual beings during group meditations.


6. Warnings and Precautions

Energetic Exhaustion: Cloaking can be draining, especially for beginners. Rest and recharge regularly.

Karmic Neutrality: Use cloaking only for self-protection or exploration. Avoid using it for harmful purposes, as this could attract negative consequences.

Psychic Protection: Always shield yourself energetically before attempting cloaking, especially if exploring areas where hostile entities may dwell.


Final Thoughts

Spiritual cloaking is an advanced skill that requires dedication, patience, and practice. As you develop this ability, trust your intuition and refine your techniques. Begin with small exercises and gradually work toward more challenging scenarios.


A final note on shielding: Most typical forms of shielding don't work with these negative entities. They've figured out a way around it. 
When shielding, envision yourself being completely encased in walls of 6 mirrors - over the top of your head, under the soles of your feet. This reflects anything they throw at you right back at them.

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