A REALISTIC Look At the ET's
Most of what one reads on the Internet now about the ET's is earth created BS that gets parroted back and forth and has no basis in reality. So I want to clear up the disinformation and misinformation about them.
I discovered in my contact with over a dozen ET races that there is a HUGE learning curve between us getting to know them and them getting to know us. Just as in really getting to know someone here on earth, one must have physical, face-to-face contact with the ET's in order to get to really know them. That does not happen in sleep or dream state, in one's mind's eye or during "astral travel" - especially with all of the consciousness hijacking and false screen memory implantation going on right now.
What are they actually like? Very much like us in some ways, extremely different in other ways. Like us they have societies, families, education, subjects that interest them. But that's where any similarities to us end. And often, we don't have earthly terms for things that are ET in nature.
Contact & Communication
It's generally believed that the ET's just decide to randomly pop in on someone and make contact. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The ET's spend many years preparing the contactee in order to make contact with him/her. Most often this begins in very early childhood. In my own case, this preparation began at age 6 and actual contact began when I was in my early 40's.
In their book Secret Vows - Our Lives With Extraterrestrials authors, Bert and Denise Twiggs wrote the most accurate account of preparation and ET contact I've ever found:
In order for our "awakening" to begin, we needed to know that there was something to wake up to. Awakening is an experience that does not fit in with anything in your reality. It is a difficult process and the first shock can be devastating. Much preparation precedes the initial shock of recognition. This preliminary work is directed by the extraterrestrials and yourself within your subconscious, and the extraterrestrials know what is needed to convince you that something different is happening.
People like to think ET contact is some bed of roses event. It's anything but. It is very traumatic even with this prior preparation because one's 3D brain does not want to wrap itself around the fact that ET contact does not fit within what it perceives as your 3D reality. It rebels against it, telling you "This is impossible. This can't be happening." It takes months to adjust to it becoming part of what your brain determines can't be happening.
Not only that, once these ET buggers have flung the contact door open they turn one's life upside down in every respect possible. We've been conditioned to believe in nothing but lies and deceptions and they aren't content to allow that to continue to be the case. They WILL show you how things REALLY work out there in the cosmos and your entire belief system will change in the process. This doesn't take place within one or two visits from them, it takes place over months and years. Nor are they any too gentle in doing this...it's a time consuming process that involves introducing the contactee to many hardships that go far beyond the hardships of daily earth life.
Or as my own ET contacts put it. "We're going to temper your soul like steel."
They will most definitely kick you in the pants when necessary! Repeatedly.
They are very well aware of the fact that we learn the most when we're faced with adversity so will throw adversity in our path every chance they get.
It's been my observation that most claiming to have ET contact don't have the first clue as to what telepathic communication with the ET's is actually like. That's a sure sign they're not actually a real contactee.
I don't generally follow Linda Moulton Howe but I do give credit where credit is due and she has what telepathic contact with ET's is actually like in the following video:
Unless you are a natural telepath yourself, what happened to the soldier above is what will happen to a non-telepathic individual when being hit with ET telepathic communication during the first few communiques one has with an ET. It will scare the hell out of you, then overwhelm you to the point of unconsciousness. Most terrestrial humans are not telepathic so when I hear a wanna-be say "My ET contacts came to me in a dream" and report those ET contacts spoke to them in our verbal language sentences, I just laugh. That's not how ET's communicate.
Telepathic communication involves receiving BUNDLES of information one must receive and process beyond using only our standard 5 senses. You will be seeing, hearing, smelling, intuiting these bundles simultaneously and they come at one at a machine gun pace because the ET's can transmit those bundles so fast. Some like the Arcturans can transmit 100x faster than our human brains can comprehend.
Even when one is a natural born telepath, one will struggle initially adjusting to receiving these telepathic bundles of information. They won't render us unconscious but they will drain us energetically to the point we feel like a wet noodle and that our heads nearly exploded. Again, it takes time for a natural telepath to receive these bundles of information.
I have to laugh too when a wanna be "contactee' reports their "ET visitors" engaged in earthly behaviors with them, like waving. Take this sketch by a Surface Level 'Truther' for example:
An excerpt from her post accompanying this sketch:
3rd eye vision. They seemed like emissaries, wise individuals. At least 3 rows of people. Some waved to her. She focused on some of them. Most of them she cannot remember, but the Mantis stood out because she saw a long arm being raised to say hi which it then lowered.
Any legitimate contactee will immediately spot this for what it is: Consciousness hijacking and/or malevolent ET's passing themselves off as 'benevolent' ET's - which they routinely do.
Note that the 'ET's' she drew were malevolent races KNOWN to be working in conjunction with our governments and deep black military - Zetas, Mantids, Tall Whites.
These ET races do not wear clothes much less robes.
Most importantly, they do not engage in earthly behaviors like WAVING!
The ET's whether malevolent or benevolent have very strict, ancient protocols and etiquette they observe among one another. We'll use their cosmic greeting as an example.
When one greets an ET they are expected to follow these ancient protocols and etiquette.
The ET's are very big into respect and to do otherwise is a sign of disrespect.
One bows at the waist to the ET; states name, rank and planet of origin. In earth's case that's "Sol 3 Terra". One then asks the ET for his/her permission to enter their personal space in order to communicate with them. The ET does the same to you.
They have 3 forms of language: formal, diplomatic and informal.
We only speak in the informal so one must then ask the ET's permission to communicate with them in the informal form of their language. Only after all of this is done does communication begin between the two.
They are not familiar with waving, hugging, kissing, or high 5'ing each other. And those of us who are Volunteers learned this the hard way on more than one occasion.
One of our female volunteers tried to hug my Tau Cetian contact and he immediately went into self defense mode. Luckily, I was standing there when this happened so prevented Shaid 'A from taking her out, explaining what hugging meant.
Yes, races like the Greys waddle when they walk because their skeletal system is much different from our own. Therefore, when going down steps to us it looks like they're about to fall flat on their face. One of our male volunteers was walking down stairs with a Grey and made this mistake, grabbing her arm to prevent her from falling. She went off on him BIG TIME.
I made a big mistake myself while aboard a ship. I smiled at a female ET and my teeth showed when I did. One of my ET contacts had to disarm her and explain to her that seeing my teeth did not mean I was preparing to eat her but was being friendly to her.
The ET's do not engage in earthly behaviors. In fact, one will learn very quickly you do not touch an ET without their prior permission unless you have a death wish.
The other thing one learns very quickly is that the unpredictability of our emotions scare the bejesus out of them. They are far less emotional than we are, so one learns very quickly to keep their emotions toned way down until that ET gets to know you well. If we laugh uproariously about something, an ET will merely smile at what we're cracking up about.
I might also mention a benevolent ET will ALWAYS WITHOUT FAIL ask to communicate with you before they do. It's the respect thing again and the non interference with free will. With a benevolent ET if you tell it "Not now, we can communicate later" they will back right off and disappear until you're ready to communicate with them. The malevolent ET races don't do this, they barge right in whether you want to communicate with them or not.
So this nonsense of 'benevolent' ET's showing up in one's dreams or mind's eye without first getting permission, of doing earthly things like waving is just that - nonsense.
Rare is the ET race that practices monogamy. Most ET races engage in multiple partner, polyamorous relationships.
Every ET race is a little bit different but I'll use Angelics in physical bodies as an example.
What you call "marriage" they call "unions". These unions are nothing like earth marriages, the focus is entirely different.
These unions consist of several pair of partners that work as spiritual service team in a state of unconditional love.
Don't confuse these unions with polygamy.
In polygamy the ratio of male to female partners is not in balance. A man might have
more than one female partner in polygamy, or a female have more than one male partner.
In unions there's an equal ratio of males to females because everything in a union is in balance in order for the union to be as successful as they are.
Any children of the union are raised by every adult partner within that union to prepare them for the specific future spiritual role they're destined to have. Angelic children are created only by Angelic societal consensus when it is determined they'll be needed to fulfill a specific future spiritual service role.
Most ET couples aren't left strictly to their own devices when choosing their partner(s). Councils of elders oversee the process to ensure the relationship is a lasting one. Within the Angelics our Council matches up 2 Angelics that are the perfect balance to one another in energy and personality. They then combine these pairings into unions.
Because the Angelics don't interfere with free will they are to free to choose their own partner(s) but those partnerships must then be sanctioned by the Council as an appropriate match.
In the Pleiades a couple doesn't begin dating until they are 75 years old. The prospective couple is together for one year in order to get to know one another. At the end of that first year, they separate from one another for a year. This is to give them time to think about if they really want to be with that prospective person on a long term basis. After that year apart if they still wish to become partners, they enter into a kind of "premarriage counseling" with one of their councils. Only when they've completed that counseling do they become partners.
While this council oversight might sound intrusive, it's not at all because it ensures long lasting relationships. Most ET races don't experience separation, divorce, nasty custody battles, adultery, domestic violence, rape, date rape, or any other earthly relationship problems as a result. And they raise well adjusted, successful children as a result.
There's another reason the ET's engage in multiple partner relationships - Drac monogamy programming. In tinkering with our genetics, the Dracs hardwired a monogamy gene into us.
Swedish scientists discovered this monogamy gene in 2008:
If one is going to enslave a planet of nearly 8 billion people, one must start by destroying the societal foundation of that planet - marriages/partnerships and the family. They accomplished this in spades, a full 50% of earth relationships now ending in divorce.
By contrast, they've never succeeded in breaking up an ET multiple partner relationship. It is much harder to tear apart several partners than it is 2 partners.
The Dracs then took things a step further and subjected Terrans to a religious marketing campaign of sorts, demonizing multiple partner relationships and eventually making them illegal. Again, they were wildly successful. Just look at the absolutely HATEFUL comments directed toward individuals who announce on social media that they're in a multiple partner relationship.
Do some research and you'll discover multiple partner relationships were the norm in our ancient earth societies and were still in force up until as recently as 1,000 years ago!
Are these ET unions disgusting, immoral, unethical, promiscuous in any way? NOPE! They have much stricter sexual standards, morals and ethics than terrestrial humans do. I had to explain to them what "hooking up" was. The very idea was disgusting to them. In their eyes, sexual relations ONLY take place with their union partners and it's not a recreational experience. It's a profoundly spiritual experience in which a direct connection to the energy of Creator Source is made and that energy absorbed into their bodies along with cosmic knowledge.
it's how they got to be so much more advanced than we Terrans are.
ET Child Rearing
Earth parents could learn a whole lot from the ET's on the child rearing front.
To ET parents, their children are the future of their race so their children are their #1 priority above anything else and parents invest a great deal of time, energy and attention to their kids preparing them to be the future leaders of their race.
There's no big "secret" in the way ET parents so successfully raise their kids. They know KIDS LEARN BY IMITATION. So the parents themselve set the example of what they want their kids to grow up to be as adults.
In our family we had one rule as parents - never raise our voices to one another. If we didn't all agree on something, we sat down and discussed the issue rationally, we compromised when necessary to reach a mutal decision that was the most beneficial to everyone involved. As a result our kids adopted this same behavior among themselves. They don't fight, they don't raise their voices to one another, they work as a united team as they saw their parents do.
They saw how we mentored them and the older kids mentor their younger siblings the same way. Recently our youngest daughter, Inara Serra went through a "I'm tired of being the 'baby' in the family!" phase.
The older girls decided themselves to surprise Inara by moving her into their "big girl" bedroom and began including her in their activities with their friends. Problem solved and for about a week Inara was telling any crew member that would listen "I'm a BIG GIRL now!"
The second rule ET parents adhere to is they never "spare the rod to spoil the child". Think about what the verb to "spoil" means. It means something goes rotten. ET parents don't want to raise entitled, rotten kids so they don't. Look at some earth kids by comparison:
The ET's know that sparing the rod and spoiling the child can result in behavior like that above.
They do not enable the misbehavior of their kids nor do they try to be their child's friend vs. being their parent.
Because they don't spare the rod and spoil the child, ET kids know their boundaries and how they are expected to behave. Rarely will you see an ET child being disciplined for anything because they know they must abide by those set boundaries and how they are expected to behave. Some of our kids saw the above video and asked "Do Terran kids REALLY behave like that?" They were mortified by the behavior in that video.
But ET kids also know their parents are very invested in them, their opinions, what they're thinking. The kids get a mid day break from their classes and know at least one of their parents will meet them for that break, to have lunch with them, a picnic by the lake or just take a walk through the gardens so we as parents know how they're doing and what they're thinking.
These are the reasons ET families are so closely knit, even after the kids have grown into adults. Our older kids are now in unions with families of their own...and they'll still at times say to we their parents "Hey let's go on a group date together!"
We still do most things as a family because we LOVE spending time with one another.
Another difference between ET and earth families is that they don't have 'grandparents' per se. Grandparents act as a second set of parents to their grandchildren and the child's parents want it this way, knowing how successfully they were raised. It also makes parenting easier for them.
This practice also negates the child being able to play parents against each other or parents against grandparents to get their way. They know if their parents said "no" to something, their 'grandparents' will back up the parents and give them that same "no". The kids have consistency in their lives as a result and boundaries are clearly set and enforced.
Again, there's a HUGE difference between the ET education systems and earth educational systems that are now nothing more but indoctrination systems.
ET parents use a combination of methods to educate their kids: What we'd call 'homeschooling', a combination day care/preschool facility, a regular classes educational complex (something like the one below) and private tutoring.
An ET child's education begins at home when the child is just a toddler. There are slots in the wall of a room that a phial gets inserted into. This turns the room into a 3D live holographic classroom. Some of our ships also have these wall phials as ET kids travel to other ET races' planets and stars to be exposed to their cultures.
At the same time, we have a kind of day care/preschool facility on the ship where crew members can drop off their infants to be cared for while they work their shifts and where toddlers can begin 'preschool'. The child remains in this preschool until they reach the age of 4 earth years, at which time they begin their formal education at the educational center.
To give you an idea of what level these kids are at when they finish this preschool, they are at advanced high school and college level. They are fluent in several languages, can do complex math equations, etc.
In fact, it's embarassing to admit but I flunked out of their preschool math class on Day One.
Not that I'm stupid...I'm not, have an IQ over 150, hold college degrees...but this will give you an idea of how advanced these preschoolers are.
Their numbering system is similar to ours but instead of doing things in 12's or dozens like we do, they do thinigs in 10's. They do have a number 12 but it's called DO. As in deer "doe".
The 3 sections of each finger are assigned digits 1 through 12. They use their hands kind of like we'd use an abacus.
By using this method, these little kids can come up with the answer to a complex math equation in mere seconds.
I was doing ok until we got into the hundreds and then I was totally flippen lost!
To which one of these preschoolers piped up "You Terrans aren't very intelligent, are you?"
No, apparently not. Yeah, so I flunked ET preschool math and felt like the Village Idiot. LOL
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