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I work with a lot of people who are TI's to come to me for help. I can honestly say (having been a TI myself) that their lives have turned into a hellish nightmare - often for reasons they don't understand. Many of them have never even heard the term "Targeted Individual" much less realize they are one.

This article may sound remedial for many viewers, but I want to start at the beginning for those who are unfamiliar with Targeted Individuals or TI's.​​

​A targeted individual is a person towards whom acts of bullying or harassment are directedThe term "targeting" implies that the hostile acts and behavior are intentional and that the perpetrator has identified a specific individual as the object of their abuseThe term "targeted individual" may also refer to an individual claiming to experience electronic harassment.


There are now so many victims that the crime is no longer being denied. Even the Department of Justice has verified the fact that group stalking is on a significant rise. A 2009 DOJ study verified there were a total 3,398,630 reported victims of stalking. Out of the total number of stalking victims 13.1 % documented that they had at least 3 or more stalkers. A quick average of the figures: 441,821 victims had 3 or more stalkers and 200,000 victims had more stalkers than they could count. A mere 29% ever report the TI crimes waged against them to any kind of law enforcement agency.​


Little wonder since law enforcement agencies themselves participate in this harassment.​

In fact it was my fellow cops that made me a TI and waged harassment against me.

A person who becomes targeted will face campaigns of surveillance of different degrees and generally speaking campaigns that negatively impact an individual. This could range from campaigns to harass, discredit, sabotage, instill fear and paranoia, manipulate, extort, or even assassinate; among others.


Generally speaking, men are targeted because they are whistleblowers or civil libertarian and women are targeted having been deemed to be uppity and not servile enough. That's just generally speaking. Anyone who is deemed any kind of a "threat" (especially to the government) can become a TI.


These fanatics are "pro-life", homophobic, racist and sexist and they think anyone who questions authority...such as their authority is a traitor. 


The targeted individual is under 24 hour surveillance and is stalked by large groups of various criminals. The new technologies have brought about the possibility of this crime. All of the wireless devices can be hacked and tracked. The criminals carry non lethal weapons in their cars and use them against the Targeted Individual. The weapons are both easy to buy or easy to make. They use lasers, dazzlers, hand held microwave, x ray devices, plasma beams, and other directed energy weapons. The stalkers are working full time to discredit the victims of this crime and to insinuate they are mentally ill to silence the victims.


Targeted individuals are experiencing a form of experimentation and psy-op warfare that follows a progression of phases that include selection, surveillance, stalking, defamation, attack, and monitoring. These six phases may have some overlap; however, they are distinct enough to separate them into phases.​

I'll use my own case of being a TI to illustrate the various phases of being a TI.


I was selected when the Sheriff's Dept. I was employed at discovered I was a professional psychic and had been working Illuminati child abduction, homicide, trafficking and SRA cases. As a psychic, they revealed they were afraid I'd psychically "see" the criminal activities they themselves were involved in. I was considered a "threat" for this reason. Nor did they particularly relish the realization I was not afraid of them so fought back tooth and nail. The end result was they railroaded ALL FEMALE OFFICERS out of the department.


A TI can expect the surveillance on them to be a 24/7 affair. In my case, this involved white vehicles and particularly vans disguised as service vehicles being parked outside of my house constantly as they gather "intel" on you they can use against you and to harass you.
This included a GPS device being covertly attached to my car, phone tapping, stealing my mail, etc. I even caught 2 of my gangstalkers (cops) following me through the grocery store as I shopped.

Little did I realize at the time that they were trying to gather "dirt" on me to assemble into a dirt file on me. Not having found any to dig up, they simply manufactured a dirt full of lies and false incriminations. I'd also discover via one of the cops involved that at this same time, a task force had been formed dedicated to devising ways to make me commit suicide. When that failed, they turned their attention to devising ways in which to murder me.


Having done all of the aforementioned, they began actually gangstalking me. This included repeated break in's to my home, sabotage of my property, financial destruction, remotely conducted nightly physical torture, DEW attacks, black helicopter and military jet harassment over my house, noise harassment, gassing my house, sleep deprivation, Rep rape and impregnation, static filled phone calls day and night, V2K and attempted mind control programming ("Voice of God"), street theater, bogus alphabet soup agency imposters showing up at my door (FBI), getting me fired from any job I tried to hold, online stalking, the murder of all of my pets and eventually, the murder of my husband.

This was an UNRELENTING 10 year ordeal and the more I refused to "break", the worse the harassment became.


They even hacked into my local hospital's computer to destroy evidence of what they'd medically done to me and it took the hospital's head of IT a full 2 days to find my records "floating somewhere in cyberspace" and restore them.


The agency I'd been employed at then went to my family, friends and neighbors and conducted a smear campaign on me.

This included telling them I was a satanic witch.
The object of their defamation is not just to discredit you, it's to isolate you from any support system whatsoever.

Don't think for a minute that these people, even your own family who's known you your entire life won't go along with this smear campaign. They will in a heartbeat and buy into the fact these psychopaths have told everyone you're "mentally ill" - and if you're like me, tell the entire extended family your cheese has slid right off your cracker. Odds are, you'll fight the TI battle alone.


I'd known what they were up to for years on the discrediting me front and managed to sidestep it for several years. However, they made me so sick from what they did to me and having financially bankrupted me that eventually I had to apply for SSA disability. I got a letter from SSA saying I had to report for a psychological evaluation.

I took a witness along, knowing what they were about to do. This shrink had never met me or spoken to me before, didn't know me at all. He came out into the waiting room to introduce himself and within less than a minute of speaking with me, said to me "You're no paranoid schizophrenic!" He didn't even bother to complete the testing with me - then wrote me up as being a "paranoid schizophrenic".

The SSA judge who presided over my last hearing refused to allow my witness into the hearing room, telling me "I'm going to help you." I knew the fix was in as cops make very credible witnesses. She ignored every single one of my medical issues that would've qualified me for disability, awarding me disability based on the bogus report of my being a "paranoid schizophrenic". This after denying me disability for a full 5 years.



I'm under surveillance to this day, including DEW NATO DeathRays constantly positioned over my house, despite moving to a new town. (They'll actually even follow me out-of-state)​

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So it's not the least bit surprising to me that every TI I have worked with has told me that at some point they became suicidal - and often more than once. There's no candy coated way to state TI's are being subjected to an unrelenting program of psy-op warfare that can drive them to their own self-inflicted deaths.


There are other tactics these gangstalkers use, often utilizing tech not seen or known in every day society. For example:

They can make anyone see false images. Often they will project either an "imposter" or an actual human gangstalker to "buddy up" to the TI and gather information from the TI that can be used against them by these gangstalkers. Most often, these imposters will be presented as a well known celebrity figure "in spirit" so to speak. Accepting and communicating with these imposters is an extremely dangerous thing to do for obvious reasons. 

TI's don't despair

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If I had a nickel every time a TI said that to me, I'd be lying on a tropical beach, sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them. LOL



If I can do it, you most certainly can! I don't have any super powers that no one else has. I put an end to being a TI and gangstalking and so can you!


And I'll share how I put an end to the TI and gangstalking nonsense...

Believe it or not, dealing with the human element of gangstalkers is far more difficult than dealing with the multidimensional dark energies connected with the MIEC and deep black projects. But they CAN be dealt with. I've done it and backed them off completely. Yes, I used some pretty unconventional methods but they worked.


1. A TI must realize they've been conditioned to be hypervigilant and learn to recognize what is actually the gangstalkers and what is their own hypervigilance at work.
For example, I've had TI's who believed they caused an individual drop dead from a common medical crisis simply because that person met them. Obviously this is nonsense...but the conditioned TI is so hypervigilant that they truly believe this! Not only that, every single negative event in their lives they attribute to their gangstalkers, even if that's not the case.

2. Empower yourself.
Your gangstalkers have worked very hard to disempower you and make you believe you are their helpless victim and you have no control over their actions whatsoever.

Many gangstalking psychopaths are somehow affiliated with the dark forces and MIEC so are taking direction from them and are utilizing their advanced tech to torture their victims.
I started at the top with those (military) stalkers and handlers using V2K on me. Whenever they'd transmit to me, I'd cut them right off and tell them in no uncertain terms to F OFF, that they weren't going to control me.
The result was they'd fly into a rage and try to reassert their dominance. But I wouldn't give them an inch and eventually the V2K transmissions stopped completely - and never happened again. At the same time, the human gangstalking incidents became less and less frequent, until they too stopped completely.


In one instance I got the V2K military handler/programmer so pissed off, he began cussing me out up one side and down the other...WHILE JERKING MY ARM UNCONTROLLABLY IN MORSE CODE!

I accomplished this simply by laughing at and belittling him. It was the last time I heard from that particular programmer.

I'm working with a couple of TI's right now that didn't believe this would work when I told them put it out there into the universe "I DO NOT CONSENT TO..." and list what they didn't consent to.
They bucked me for weeks on this, deluging me with victimhood 'novels' - until they finally did what I advised. And guess what? They both greatly minimized the TI and gangstalking attacks almost immediately.

It's very important the TI not do anything to empower these psychopaths by buying into their attempted destruction of self esteem. The destruction of the victim's self esteem is the first step of successful mind control programming and making them believe they are powerless.


3. Learn during gangstalking attacks to control your emotions.
They WANT to get a negative emotional response from the TI! Don't give it to them, as difficult as that is to do. It just encourages them to continue the harassment. I found I got much further in getting rid of them by completely ignoring them. They have uber arrogant egos so are insulted by being ignored and not getting their desired reaction. They're like 2 year old's throwing a temper tantrum when they're ignored but eventually, like most 2 year old's their temper tantrums end when they see their tantrums aren't getting results.


This works with the Dracs as well. They were continually opening portals to get into my living room. My dog had "Drac radar" so would instantly raise hell the second they showed up even if they were invisible. They'd scratch on my living room walls so loudly the scratching would drown out my TV on full volume. I taught my dog to ignore them as well. They gave up on the scratching on my walls shenanigans once we began ignoring them.


4. Envision a direct connection to the Creator Source.

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We all have the Creator's light and energy within us. 
When an attack starts, immediately envision in your mind's eye your Creator Light and energy stretch out to connect directly with that of Source. 


Hold that vision in your mind's eye as long as necessary to make the attack stop. For some reason, this acts like a toxin to them.
I found as soon as I did this, the attack would stop.
The same thing works with envisioning a connection to Jmmanuel in your mind's eye.

Don't be afraid to ask the Angelics for help in stopping the attack and even asking for protection from them.


I can't begin to tell you how important this step is. When you put yourself in the mindset of being any kind of victim, you're playing right into their hands. They WANT you to feel like their victim and you'll never get their nonsense stopped if you don't take yourself out of the victim mindset.
Realize that the only power they have over you is what you ALLOW them to have! Don't give them any power by perceiving yourself as any kind of victim.



When you do this you empower them with negative energy and they know they're achieving their desired results with the TI. This just encourages them to continue their harassment and stalking.
Yes, that is a very difficult thing to do when you're being hit 24/7...but you're in a psy-ops WAR and there's nothing easy about any kind of war. If you focus on them and their shenanigans they will succeed in breaking you down!


I now live a very calm, peaceful life since ramrodding them out of my life. Believe me, once you do this you'll feel a freedom you haven't felt since they began harassing you. Focus on living your daily life as if they didn't exist. Take up a hobby to occupy your mind, do some volunteer work, spend some time in nature, do whatever takes your mind off constantly focusing on them.


This is for the human gangstalkers. Most everyone has a cell phone now that has a camera.
When my gangstalkers would say, follow me through a store I'd whip my camera out and point it straight at them and they'd take off like bats outta hell. They don't want evidence of their crimes on film or video and will avoid that at all costs.


First of all, they participate in this activity so you could just make matters worse for yourself.
Secondly, there's nothing they will do about it except maybe fill out a report that they file away in the nearest trash can.


This applies to any other governmental agencies as well. True story...I contacted the EEOC to file suit against the agency I was employed by. For 2 years, I spoke with a supervisor who claimed her name was Roseanne Watts. She insisted there was nothing the EEOC could do because what the Sheriff's Dept. was doing to me was (quote) "technically favoritism". Including the sexual harassment I was subjected to.
Over 2 years later, I contacted the same EEOC office and as luck would have it a supervisor answered my call. She informed me they didn't have any employee named Roxanne Watts and never had, much less any supervisor named Roxanne Watts.

In the meantime, I'd heard from one of my fellow cops that a County Board member had taken him to a house directly across from the Sheriff's Dept. I was working for - the basement of which was full of far more highly sophisticated surveillance equipment than law enforcement agencies had.
Yup, my Sheriff's Dept. gangstalkers had intercepted and rerouted my calls to that basement and their fictitious Roxanne Watts - for over 2 years - to prevent the EEOC and I from filing suit against them. Moral of the story: You can't trust law enforcement agencies anymore. They've been infiltrated like everything else.



I was nearly at my breaking point when Jmmanuel said to me "You haven't yet used the most powerful weapon in your arsenal! Why don't you give that a try?"


My house had just been broken into AGAIN by my fellow cops when I got an idea. Being psychic, I knew exactly who the 2 offenders were. I drew up the sign below and posted it where they had to be well inside my house to see it.

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(We called our maximum security jail the "local B&B")


These whackadoodles are uber paranoid of each other. What resulted at the Sheriff's Dept. after the 2 offenders read that sign inside my house was downright comical. They spent WEEKS being paranoid and suspicious of one another, desperately trying to discover which of them was the "leak", that I knew precisely who was breaking into my house repeatedly. Worked like a charm! The break in's stopped. 


My perspective changed entirely after that. I began coming up with new and inventive ways to create chaos and suspicion among them every time they instigated a new gangstalking tactic.


I began having FUN with my gangstalkers and began laughing vs. crying at their antics. I turned their own tables on them. 


They were breaking into my house repeatedly to find and destroy any evidence I had on what they were doing to me.

So I began planting bogus "intel" I supposedly had and I'd leave it lying all over the house for them to collect. 


Gangstalkers like to leave what's called a "calling card" to intimidate you by letting you know they broke into your house. In my case, they'd leave a penny on my kitchen counter. So I put out a jar on the counter with a sign on it that said "DEPOSIT ALL OF YOUR PENNIES HERE" to let them know I was onto their calling card scheme. (I didn't get very many more pennies in the jar. LOL)
But on the day I resigned I'd filled that gallon jar chock full of pennies...and dumped them all over my Lieutenant's desk and floor and said "And by the way, here's all of your pennies back!"
The look on his face was a Kodak Moment. I bet he spent hours on his knees picking all of those pennies up. Which is just where I wanted him...on his knees.

Psy-ops can work both ways and they never count on their victims turning the tables on them. Humor can be a very effective weapon.


Don't expect the TI harassment and gangstalking to stop overnight. These whackadoodles are persistent if nothing else. You have to back them off gradually and when they don't achieve their desired results, they'll normally back off rather quickly. Remember, they're energy vampires. They can't draw energy from Souce so must use the negative energy we create to feed off. Don't give them your energy. I've noticed they don't like to expend a lot of energy on their victims for this reason. They don't bother with those they can't siphon energy off of, so go find a new negative energy "playground" to play in.

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