with excerpts from a Wes Penre article
It may feel like the rug is being swept away underneath the feet on those who believe in Ascended Masters who will come and save us, and ascension processes that just happen out of the blue.
We need to realize (the sooner, the better) that there will be no sudden shift of consciousness that is magically going to lift those who are “enlightened” to the 4th or 5th Dimensions. There are no Ascended Masters who will come down and call upon those who are “worthy” to ascend.
Truly benevolent multidimensional beings are not going to interfere with us as a species as they fanatically observe the Cosmic Law and Prime Directive of Non Interference.
If someone is landing in big spaceships, saying they are here to save you, run the other way.
The "Ascended Masters", whom some people channel, are not working in humanity’s favor, so buyers beware! Those who show themselves off as either gods or superior beings are frauds or saying they are someone whom they are not.
Am I saying there is no Ascension? Yes and no...and it's interesting that the Divine Angelics I work with NEVER EVER use the term "Ascension". They call it a planetary transition and teach that it is a natural occurrence that comes in stages - and that it doesn't come for free.
We need to know the dynamics of the process and we also need to be aware of what is happening in our own reality before we can go to the next. In other words, we have to know what we’re doing. Too many people are just reading and listening to channeled material and other metaphysical misinformation, feeling good about it and then go on with their lives like if nothing has happened, certain of that now when you “know”, the ascension will come automatically because they know more than other people. These are the same people that will be going nowhere as far as any transitioning goes.
The “secret” to real transition is to learn about life and then live what we learn! Anyone can listen and read, but it requires some courage to change your ways and start walking the talk. THAT is what is required to transition and not many want to take themselves off fast forward and do the work on themselves that is necessary.
We humans have lived generation after generation in fear. There has always been this “invisible authority” present, which we can’t really pinpoint down, controlling our lives, belief systems and thinking in general. Those who speak up are usually, in one way or another, made examples of. This induces fear in others, who want to, but then dare not, speak their truth. Although times are slightly different now, and we are freer and can get away with more, this old, embedded fear is still lingering in people’s subconscious. “If I speak up, I will lose my job”; “If I tell them what I believe, they will think I’m crazy and stop talking to me”; “what will my family say?” We all recognize these thoughts, but they are all based on fear. It’s “easier” to be quiet and not speak up, but still, if we don’t, we will not evolve, and we will not help others see a bigger picture, whether it has to do with our job or spiritual beliefs.
In the long run, all our goal as spiritual beings is to return back to Source, the Prime Creator. People in the spiritual movement believe that this is our next step on the to-do-list. It is my conviction that this is not the case, though. We are here to learn and experience, and we do this as separate spirits, who are still connected with Source on a subquantum level, but when we’re done here, we just go to the next level of learning on a higher vibration. There may be a time when we can choose whether we want to go back and merge with Source and complete our experience, or continue exploring, but that time is not yet, as I see it.
Our immediate goal is to further develop our infinite potentials and not become, but realize that we already are, multi-dimensional, and this is quite a different ball game all together.
Our bodies are originally made to be multi-dimensional. We already have the bodies we need, and we need to stay in them, not leave them. Therefore, we want to stay grounded and not reach for some lofty “God’s Palace” in the sky. After all, if we become the living examples ourselves of what we wish humanity to once again become, the "lofty God's Palace in the sky" will take care of itself.
It is always a struggle to lay a puzzle that is multi-dimensional, and we have to accept that we are just in the beginning of learning things; whatever conclusions we come to today will be subject to future editing. What holds true today may be “old paradigm” tomorrow in the fluid and ever-changing Multiverse.
I've learned even in working with the Angelics and a dozen or more other ET races we'd consider to be benevolent, to constantly ascertain whether the information they're giving me is empowering me or not. Only if the information is uplifting and can bring you to a new level of experience is it worth your time. And if they tell you to give your power to someone else than yourself ("Ascended Masters" or whomever), same thing; close the book, turn off the CD, and start looking elsewhere for valuable material that does empower you.
Being open about that they do have a personal agenda and what it is, is a positive thing in itself. Now we know what they want and how they want it, and it’s up to us to agree with them or not. We can choose to be part of their agenda and see how it can benefit us, or we can opt out and choose another direction.
There is still a lot to do before enough humans have woken up to make a radical change in paradigms, but we are quickly heading in that direction.
The mass awakening has happened more or less within the last 25 years. Our ET guides say we have this small time window when there are intense energies hitting Earth from the cosmos, mostly on the gamma ray level, which heavily affect our bodies and our minds. Energy is not only something which supports basic life, but also energy on a quantum level, as encoded information, and it is this information which is triggering our dormant DNA, connecting us with the Multiverse. Our own Sun, which is also connected with, and affected by, the “Womb of the Mother”, the Giant Sun (or huge collection of suns) in the Galactic Center, is more intense than normal, and is directly affecting us and our mass consciousness here on Earth.
Therefore, it’s very important that we always stay grounded and in our bodies; especially now while this process is so intense. All the information from cosmos that we “download” during this time will help us tremendously when the energies slowly go back to a more normal level, and time as we perceive it will gradually slow down again. So, we need to be very mindful right now and work on connection with these energies, or it will be so much harder afterwards.
This work starts at the grassroots level with each of us individually. We must do the spiritual work on ourselves before we can help others to change.
This makes it so much more important to “follow our heart” and our “instincts” (intuition), and trust what we feel. We are living in times where we will find the intellect being useful, but also quite limited. These are not the times where the logical mind can figure things out on its own; it needs big help from the heart chakra. Not until we have opened our hearts and started “feeling” can we more accurately analyze what is going on and how to proceed. Mulder was wrong when he said that “the answers are out there”, and that’s why he never found them. The answers are within, and that’s where we need to start looking.
The Angelics I work with have stressed this again and again...GO WITHIN FOR THE ANSWERS!
They also stress that because these negative controllers can easily mind control the mind, that the benevolents work through heart and intuition - not the mind!
With the infiltration of the spiritual and Truther communities, people have stopped doing this. As a result, they've gotten caught in a vicious circle of infotainment that does nothing toward getting humanity and earth out of the tyrannical enslavement it's in. We've set discussing solutions to our predicament aside to be entertained with a whole lot of misinformation and disinformation. This LOWERS one's vibration, it doesn't raise it. Earth's amplitude is rising during the stages of its transition and those whose personal amplitudes don't match those of the higher amplitude New Earth emerging will be left on old 3D Earth. One cannot exist in a higher amplitude (frequency and vibration) than that of their own personal amplitude. This is why the malevolent ET overseers can't access the higher dimensions and why they must keep humanity and the planet in their own low frequency and vibration in order to survive here.
The yearning many of us feel inside to ascend to higher densities is not just programming and deception. It’s also because a fragment of us remembers how it is to be multi-dimensional. How many of us haven’t looked up in the night-sky, watched the stars, just to get this feeling that we “want to go home”? Some of us may even feel a little sad or get a feeling of being lost. We don’t really understand why we feel this way, but there is a reason.
It’s not because we don’t belong here on Earth and therefore want to “go home” to some other star system! Remember, each one of us volunteered to be here!
It’s more that we miss our abilities to be multi-dimensional where the whole Multiverse is our home. We feel a little bit like someone who is in prison, looking out through the bars, seeing the world outside and get this longing for freedom.
Ascension, as it is presented in the New Age Movement and in channeled material in particular, triggers this feeling inside of us. This is probably the main reason we so dearly want to believe in it, and another reason being that we want to escape from a reality we don’t like. We feel we are trapped in a control system with no way out, and "ascension" seems like the perfect escape. The ideas of ascension and Ascended Masters have also been promoted by certain secret societies over the millennia, mostly to keep people who are thinking outside the box trapped within the 3rd Density.
The common misconception is that by "ascending" we are leaving our bodies and going somewhere. We are not leaving Earth, our home, but instead, while still in our bodies, we are letting the higher densities manifest through our chakras, little by little at first, then faster and faster.
The common misconception is that by "ascending" we are leaving our bodies and going somewhere, to some other reality, planet or star where everything is bliss. (No such place exists) We are not leaving Earth, our home, but instead, while still in our bodies, we are letting the higher densities manifest through our chakras, little by little at first, then faster and faster.
To become multi-dimensional means we are opening up again to the whole Multiverse that we once were connected to, and as we evolve, our environment will gradually change, because we are creating a new paradigm; a new Earth with our vibrations, thoughts, emotions, and newly regained wisdom.
One of the main things is to be prepared; not only for the earth changes, but for the changes within, where the mass awakening is taking place. Those who have prepared themselves by starting the process to connect with the Multiverse will have a much easier time going through the transition, while those who haven’t prepared at all, or are totally ignorant to what is going on, will have a very tough time, and some will even go insane and/or commit suicide. I am not saying this to scare the reader, it's just as a matter of fact. We can already see this happening around us; many people are totally overwhelmed by their life situations and don’t understand what is happening.
Connecting to the Multiverse is a matter of opening up our own chakras and minds to endless possibilities. Once we understand that we are all ONE with the Creator, and there is no separation; when we truly understand this the rest comes quite naturally. We don’t even think in terms of if we’re “good enough” or not. We just know we are all in this together and what you experience, on some level I experience as well, and vice versa. Once this is realized, we are no longer thinking in terms of “good” and “evil”. Everything is experience, and if we encounter something we don’t like, we know it’s there to show us and teach us something. And we also stop blaming others for the situations we’re in. We know beyond any doubt that we are a major part in what we are experiencing, and as long as energy is moving freely and easily, we’re good to go, and we learn something.
Also, ponder the following interesting fact: those who are controlling us, originally from elsewhere, may be more intelligent and more technologically advanced than us because they originate from older civilizations. Still, humans who are waking up here on Earth today with a positive attitude are, in ways that count, more advanced than they are already. We understand that wars and negative control is something of the past and not something we ever want to engage in again. We don’t need to bring fear unto others to get things our way; we know we can’t win by meeting fire with fire. We do things out of Love and Understanding because that’s just the way we think, naturally. We are fully aware that using weapons and violence as a mean to accomplish goals is always a sign of lower awareness and lower consciousness, whether we talk about ETs or humans. We are the future, they are the past, and one day, not too far away from now, they will no longer match our frequency and will not be part of our reality anymore until they too have come to the same conclusions as we have.