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What's With All the Drones?
And Now the Fog?

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Ex Nazi, Wernher Von Braun hatched the fake alien invasion idea way back in the 1970's. Video below.

Here we go AGAIN! Yes, this 'drone' and fog nonsense is just another cabal psyop and false flag. It's just another distraction to keep us focused on what the black government is doing with its left hand - trying to pass legislation that would make it illegal for anyone but them to have and use drones.

It's just another one of their power and money grabs - as it always is.

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These are NOT extraterrestrial craft...they are MANMADE, built by Lockheed Martin Skunkworks.
Just one example of the upgraded USAF TR 3B:


And the TR 5A is actually antiquated military technology now. They're on something like version TR 16 in the SSP and they now have advanced top secret craft that common people would easily mistake for actual ET ships. 


I do not follow Dr. Steven Greer or Alex Jones. But I am going to post the following 2 videos regardless. Listen carefully... this is very telling. And notice Dr. Greer who claims that there are no negative extraterrestrials and the evil on the planet is strictly a human problem just admitted here that there are negative interdimensionals that the black government/military is bringing into this reality.  This is absolute NONSENSE! Of course there are bad ET's and good ET's just as there are good and bad people on earth! 


But I believe in presenting all sides of evidence...

Are there good ET ships mixed in with this false flag? NO. And the reason is simple...the cosmic directive of non-interference - which they fanatically follow without exception. Additionally, they have stated repeatedly that they are NOT going to rescue anyone here. Period.


If one goes back to the PNAC document that surfaced after the 911 false flag attacks, it specifically mentions a worldwide event orchestrated by the Loserferians to unite the world under their tyranny and dictatorship. Yes, a cosmic attack is what was being referred to in the PNAC document.


This fake alien invasion is indeed the last card the cabal has to pull from its black magic hat and they're desperate to pull it off before Trump gets into office. The Loserferians are desperate and in a panic. They know they're losing their control.


The very fact the government says "We don't know what they are" is complete and utter bullshit. Of course they know what they are! These craft are being launched by NORTHCOM...even I know that!


The illustration above shows all of the satellites we have orbiting earth above the planet. Any one of those satellites can not only determine what those 'drones' and other craft are...they can determine what material those craft are constructed of, what the propulsion system is, whether the craft is man or unmanned etc. So as usual, THE GOVERNMENT IS LYING...which is the only thing it seems to know how to do proficiently.


Consider too:

  • The U.S. has the most tightly restricted and controlled airspace in the world. You do not fly in U.S. airspace without the government knowing exactly what any aerial craft is.

  • There are established protocols in place in how the military is to respond to unidentified craft in our skies, especially hovering around military installations. SHOOT THE CRAFT DOWN, ASK QUESTONS LATER. As yourself why Biden ordered those established protocols not to be followed and the military wasn't to shoot these drones and other craft down?

  • When an investigation was demanded to be constructed into these aerial craft, Biden refused any investigation being conducted. That in itself speaks volumes as to the perpetrators of this fake alien invasion.

  • The cabal government always conducts preliminary tests on any of their false flags. Remember this 1938 Orson Welles (Freemason) radio broadcast War of the Worlds? It had the masses believing earth had been invaded by aliens that resulted in mass panic and numerous suicides.

Add to that the fact that SSP personnel have been divulging for at least the past 2 years that they've been training to carry out a fake alien invasion. 

  • If any of the ET races wanted to carry out an invasion to destroy earth, they could've done so eons ago - not counting the malevolent races that were here on the planet eons before humans were, that are behind this whole agenda. Their invasion began long before human history was being written. So they have no need to "invade" earth. They've been here longer than we have.


As usual, Daniel Liszt (Dark Journalist) sheds some truth on this whole "drone" issue and connects all the dots...

It is incumbent upon us to not buy into these Loserferian false flag hijinx and see it just for what it is - just more cabal fear mongering. It is to our benefit NOT to give us this false flag the attention we're giving it if we don't want it to be successful. If we allow it to be successful we're in serious trouble, folks!

The Fog

For some historical perspective. I've started re-reading William Bramley's Gods of Eden. My colleague Geoff Brady was thinking along the same lines. Eve Lorgen also brought up the connection with Gods of Eden.


From Geoff: Recent reports about foul-smelling mists and fog causing people to fall ill reminded me of the letters and accounts compiled by author William Bramley who wrote a book entitled Gods of Eden in a recent discussion.


From the book:

Of all the phenomena connected to the Black Death, by far the most frequently reported were the strange, noxious "mists." The vapors were often observed even when the other phenomena were not. Mr. Nohl points out that moist pestilential fogs were "a feature which preceded the epidemic throughout its whole course." A great many physicians of the time took it for granted that the strange mists caused the Plague. This connection was established at the very beginning of the Black Death, as Mr. Nohl tells us: The origin of the plague lay in China, there it is said to have commenced to rage already in the year 1333, after a terrible mist emitting a fearful stench and infecting the air. Another account stresses that the Plague did not spread from person to person, but was contracted by breathing the deadly stinking air:

During the whole of the year 1382 there was no wind, in consequence of which the air grew putrid, so that an epidemic broke out, and the plague did not pass from one man to another, but everyone who was killed by it got it straight from the air. Reports of deadly "mists" and "pestilential fogs" came from all Plague-infested parts of the world: A Prague chronicle describes the epidemic in China, India and Persia; and the Florentine historian Matteo Villani, who took up the work of his brother Giovanni after he had died of the plague in Florence, relays the account of earthquakes and pestilential fogs from a traveler in Asia.

The same historian continues: A similar incident of earthquake and pestilential fog was reported from Cyprus, and it was believed that the wind had been so poisonous that men were struck down and died from it. He adds: German accounts speak of a heavy vile-smelling mist which advanced from the East and spread itself over Italy.

That author states that in other, people were convinced that they could contract the disease from the stench, or even, as is sometimes described, actually see the plague coming through the streets as a pale fog. He summarizes, rather dramatically: The earth itself seemed in a state of convulsion, shuddering and spitting, putting forth heavy poisonous winds that destroyed animals and plants and called swarms of insects to life to complete the destruction.

Process of producing artificial fogs - Patent #US1666267A


If there's a patent for it, it's man made. Simple. One doesn't even need to use discernment on THAT one. (Although I advocate using a high degree of discernment 24/7.) But this one is a no brainer. The ET's don't take out earth patents on their technology.

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12/17/24: DRONE FLU

There seems to be no escaping the recent drone hysteria as this is reminiscent of the dreaded black helicopters of the 70s through the 90s which were detected around cattle mutilations, NWO intimidation tactics, and the spraying of unknown biological and chemical agents. The same speculations apply and the more drone reports come in, the more they parallel history. Now, we are hearing about people coming down with a mysterious illness in the same areas where a heavy concentration of drones were sighted. Doctors are writing this off as a coincidence as the flu season is underway in the United States. Still, there is documented evidence of these types of clandestine experiments on the populace.


While you'd have to pay to listen to the video or audio podcast, here's the link for a FREE written transcript: 12/17/24: DRONE FLU Transcript | Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis

The Deep State has a history going back decades of spraying the population with biowarfare agents from the air...and Deep State California Governor, Gavin Newsom just came out with this:

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Read that article here​

UPDATE 12/20/24

Just posted on Facebook by the HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD...
"The Invasion Will Be Televised…..Disclosure, For The Whole World to See"

In summary, we need to stop giving this false flag our attention and speculation and simply put out to the public masses that it's just another MIEC hoax and NOTHING TO FEAR. We don't need to feed it our energy in order to help the Loserferians pull off their fake alien invasion.


Anyone is free to copy this article and paste it onto their social media, websites, etc.
Let's spread the word. The more people are aware of this false flag, the less successful the cabal stands to be in pulling it off.

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