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All Of The Knowlege You Need In One Place, From
Veteran Experiencers With Firsthand Knowledge
And Experience

Abductees * Milabs * SSP
in the Deep Black Military Projects

Researchers * Authors * Public Speakers
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Proof of Pat's ET Contact

Ships of one of Pat's ET contacts filmed over her Big Arb Lake resort
by UFO hunter group,
Human Initiated Contact
(Pat's ET contact obliged the group's request to flash the ship lights at them)
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Long video version
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We're in the process of reconfiguring
this website.
Please bear with us as we do this.

Thank you!

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Within the past few years I became very disillusioned with the "Truther" Movement since its infiltration by the Deep State cabal, New Agers and Surface Level 'Truthers'.  The experiencer community became a dung heap of disinformation and misinformation as the voices of authentic experiencers were largely silenced.


I decided to do something about it since a great majority of people know longer know who to follow for accurate information or what to believe.

I'm in the process of reformatting this website to feature the most knowledgeable sources of accurate information. We are all genuine, veteran experiencers who physically/bodily while fully conscious have undergone abduction and been inside the top secret deep military black projects, so have FIRSTHAND knowledge and information to share. Most of us have had physical, face-to-face contact with multidimensional beings while in a fully conscious state.

We are avid researchers, with decades of deep dive research under our belts. We are public speakers and whistleblowers who have made TV appearances, done radio shows and podcasts. Many are published authors.
Unlike most, we know who the disinformation agents are and who NOT to follow for any kind of information or truth. And who TO follow for legitimate information.

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Do we have all of the answers? Absolutely not! NO ONE does! So we'll be the first to tell you research things for yourself - far beyond social media and YouTube videos.

But hopefully this site will help one cut down on the research one need do since we've gathered info from the most notable firsthand experiencers out there. It is not information that is merely 'parroted' back and forth - as so much misinformation on the Internet is now within the experiencer community.

Pat Jackson

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Click on the icon to email Pat


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© Selamat Ja 2020

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