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My destination is no longer a place...but rather a new way of seeing

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How many of us can say we've had our ET contacts' ships filmed over our homes, as Pat has?
Her remarkable story is the stuff of which blockbuster movies are made.

Having fully conscious, physical contact with over a dozen (benevolent and malevolent) ET races, Pat's case garnered the attention of a panel of experts from the fields of Milab and alien abduction, UFOlogy, military intelligence, alphabet soup agencies and the CIA.
They spent 2 years dissecting Pat's case, unanimously agreeing her

ET contacts and experiences were legitimate, one of them telling her "You're in the ET big leagues".

She had a CIA agent attached to her for 7 years, the CIA considering her a "threat to national security" due to her extraterrestrial contacts and knowledge gleaned from them and the fact they discovered she was from off planet.


Coming from a law enforcement background, Pat would be abducted into the Milab program, then later moved into Project Seagate and the SSP. It was in the DUMBS that Pat had her first ET contact with malevolent races of ET's. She would escape the deep black military projects in December, 2010 - at which time her contact with multiple benevolent ET races began. Those contacts continue through the present day.



  • Fascinating tales of actual past life recall in kids!

  • How reincarnation works & why it happens

  • How to do your own past life regressions

  • Help for parents dealing with kids going through past life recall experiences

More and more people are now realizing there's much more to this world than we've been lead to believe by our world governments. 


The truth is, the majority of the masses sleepwalk their way through life and willingly accept values that are inverted, lies as truth and perceive tyranny as a false sense of security. They enjoy ignorance and cling to misery and victimhood as the only means of giving themselves a sense of identity.


More and more people though are realizing this and rejecting the illusionary world view we've all been programmed to accept. 

Knowing or sensing things "aren't right" with the world they've begun searching for answers. They begin to see another side of things most around them seem oblivious to. They stop following the herd.


So begins the awakening journey of following one's heart and intuition, of choosing knowledge over ignorance.


Knowledge is power. It gives us the power to rise to the challenge of seeing life from an entirely new perspective that defies the the limitations of the lower perspective foist on us...but is the key to unlocking the chains of our collective oppression. It is a power that allows us to return to the divine creator beings we once were.

This website is a bit different than most - the Selamat Ja team are nearly all contactees, Milabs, abductees, experiencers and have maintained contact with their benevolent ET mentors. Some of the team has been off planet & traveled the cosmos.


Collectively, the team has over 100 years of research under their belts. They pride themselves on double & triple checking the accuracy of anything posted on this website so as not to add to the dung heap of misinformation & disinformation that now floods the Internet.
Of course, we always encourage our viewers to do their own extensive research - beyond videos and the misinformation in social media platforms.


Feel free to browse the site, take what coincides with your own experiences and observations and leave the rest.


Selamat Ja

"Be in oneness. Be in joy."


Click on Watch on YouTue link to view video


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© Selamat Ja 2020

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